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HES Catering Services serve 60 sites across the Borough

Our continued success is quite simple – Serving freshly prepared vibrant and tasty dishes cooked by our conscientious/ friendly and experienced Colleagues throughout our schools to produce 15000 meals a day! That’s an incredible 2,660,000+ meals per year and growing

It’s all about the food and our People and especially our Clients whether young people or Adults who enjoy what we provide. Fresh and healthy food is at the core of what we do day in day out. Read more about our service in the following new stories.


Furthering our innovative partnership with Kafoodle.

08 Jun 2020

Facing the COVID 19 crisis as a nation, has highlighted how important it is for us toRead more


Thank you Dr.Oetker

26 May 2020

Massive thank you to Dr. Oetker & one of our suppliers, Thomas Ridley. This month, we haveRead more


Delish Outdoor Kiosk open for business at Sanders

23 Feb 2020

HES Catering Services today delivered our first outdoor food kiosk to the lucky pupils of Sanders SecondaryRead more


HES Catering Services and Kafoodle offer allergen-free school lunch options

05 Sep 2019

Havering and Kafoodle offer allergen-free school lunch options Havering Council' award winning catering service HES Catering andRead more


West Ham United Players visit Corbets Tey Primary School

20 May 2019

Through Havering Councils  partnership with the West Ham United Foundation, pupils at Corbets Tey Primary School  wereRead more


HES Catering Services awarded Best Healthy Eating Initiative Award at Food Matters Live 2018

22 Nov 2018

Veggie Run wins, ‘Best Healthy Eating Initiative’ at the annual Food Matters Live 2018 Awards. The eventRead more

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There's no question too big or too small. Whatever it is, we're here to help. Contact us today, and our friendly team will be ready to assist you with any enquiries or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

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