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Pancake Day! Tuesday 5th March

Pancake Day! Tuesday 5th March

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Pancake Day- Tuesday 5th March

Pancake Day is possibly one of the best days of the year.

Nothing more rewarding that flipping that pancake and catching it in again, without getting it stuck to the ceiling or on the floor.

Now for the important part, getting creative and choosing your topping…  But what toppings do we choose?  Are we going to go for the more balanced route or just completely naughty- nothing like treating yourself- right!?

Did you know as a nation our favourite toppings are?

  • Maple Syrup
  • Lemon & Sugar
  • Whipped Cream
  • Chocolate Chips
  • Strawberries

Personally, I have such a sweet tooth and if you’re anything like me, one or two pancakes are definitely not enough! When you include all the toppings (especially those aimed at us with a sweet tooth), it would send us into sugar overload- I try to opt for a healthy topping.  Here is my favourite pancake recipe (check out below) and toppings;

This Recipe is high in fiber, but low in fat: Banana Pancake Recipe


  • Sprinkle of Cinnamon- acts as a natural sweetener as well as adds flavour.
  • Yoghurt & Berries – Preferably plain yoghurt, as the berries especially when ripe add natural sweetness. My favourite berries have to be a mix of Strawberry, blueberries and raspberries.
  • Mango with Low Fat Coconut Yoghurt (make sure you watch out for the sweeteners in the yoghurt).
  • Fresh squeeze of lemon- Such a classic.
  • Fruit with Honey
Charlotte Newman, 26 Feb 2019

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