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HES Catering Services and Kafoodle aims to support all pupils with known allergens or special dietary needs, providing the students with the information to make an informed choice towards their health and is designed as a tool to educate students to continue using this information outside the school environment.

Schools supplied by HES Catering Services across the London Borough of Havering will each receive a unique QR code or URL developed by Kafoodle. Pupils can scan the code of their school with their mobile phone or visit their designated webpage, opening up an online app where students can then view live daily school menus, filter options based on special dietary needs or known allergens, and that are accompanied by the high street recognised traffic light label, that highlight daily recommended values for kcals, fat, sugar and salt.



Mr Paul Ward, Head Teacher, Redden Court School, said:

“The lunchtime dining experience is an important part of a student’s day. We don’t want students missing out on peer bonding opportunities if they wrongly believe they can’t make an informed lunch choice in their school.”

Unique School URLs to access Kafoodle

School Name URL
Bower Park Academy
Brittons Academy
Hall Mead Academy
Redden Court Academy
Royal Liberty School for Boys
Sanders School



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