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Our Blog



Thank You!

16th Apr 2020

A massive THANK YOU to all our staff and teams out on the front line providing foodRead more

Hospitality Plus Cater for S.T.A.R Awards

16th Apr 2020

Our Hospitality Plus service had the amazing opportunity to host a delicious afternoon tea for the firstRead more

Delish Outdoor Kiosk open for business at Sanders

23rd Feb 2020

HES Catering Services today delivered our first outdoor food kiosk to the lucky pupils of Sanders SecondaryRead more

Bike Voucher winner

31st Oct 2019

Congratulations to Dahlia and Amelia from St Edwards C.E Primary school for being our latest winners toRead more

Win a "Veggie Run" Roast Lunch Box

24th Sep 2019

Veggie Run, Havering Council’s award-winning healthy living campaign, is offering even more rewards to pupils who eatRead more

HES Catering Services creates unique partnership with London Marathon Events

12th Sep 2019

Havering Council is working with London Marathon Events Ltd, organisers of the world’s greatest marathon, to encourageRead more

Veggie Run Arch-Enemy- Competition Winner

10th Sep 2019

After receiving over 200 designs from Havering pupils, HES Catering Services are pleased to announce that LuccaRead more

HES Catering Services and Kafoodle offer allergen-free school lunch options

5th Sep 2019

Havering and Kafoodle offer allergen-free school lunch options Havering Council' award winning catering service HES Catering andRead more

Congratulations to all our SAT Week Bike Winners

6th Jun 2019

Winners of the SAT Week Bike Competition this week had a surprise visit from our Head ofRead more

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