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Our menu

Our Primary School Menus

All our primary school menus meet the Food for Life Silver standard, which means 75% of dishes within the menu are homemade. Where possible we use Organic and fairtrade produce and only use free-range eggs.




Our menus are available in 2 or 3 choices operating on a 3 week cycle, so your children will not suffer from menu fatigue. We ensure all our menus provide the nutrients children need to develop healthy minds and bodies. All menus are analyzed by our on-site nutritionalist and allergen charts are available to download from this site.

Please contact us if you are interested in what HES Catering can to for your schools catering service

Speak to our team

There's no question too big or too small. Whatever it is, we're here to help. Contact us today, and our friendly team will be ready to assist you with any enquiries or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

    What is 3 + 9?


      What is 1 x 1?